student survey free write

Natalie Clyne                                                                                                Clyne 1

ENG 1101-D362

Free Writing

Prof Guthrie



                         I wake up at 6:15 am this morning, I get out the bed at 6:20 am. I went in to the shower, after I came out I put on the tv. I started getting dress for school while looking at weather, then I left my house at 7:20 am. When I get out the house it took me about 15 minutes to get to the train station, It was very slippery and nasty outside. When I get in the train station it was crowded, everyone was pushing to get on. After I get out from the train station I went to the corner to get a bagel before I go to my 8:30 am class. After my 8:30 am class the I went to my 11:30 am class then came to my English class at 1:00pm.

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