10 points of debate

Natalie Clyne

10 points of debate

Migrating to a Different Country


1.Stressful time-Life in a new country comes with its own set of challenges

2.Away from family and friends-distance can take a toll on relationships

3.financial burden- moving can be an expensive affair

4.involves a certain amount of risk- uprooting yourself from your current job in order to move abroad is a risky proposition

5.language-understanding other people language and accent.

6.culture-how easy would it be for people to adapt to new customs?

7.employment- jobs require working documents

8.medical issues-would I able to qualify for medical insurance?

  1. amenities – it’s hard when you are used to a certain standard of living.
  2. lifestyle -it is frustration when you have to change just to adapt to a different lifestyle.

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