From the time I fell off a balcony when I was two years old to now, I have learned to never give up. It was a miracle that I was able to survive that fall, but I did. No matter what obstacles came my way, I aspired to overcome them. I relocated to the U.S. from Colombia when I was ten years old. My education proved to be a difficult one due to problems with English since Spanish is my first language and I have a noticeable accent. This made learning much more difficult for me; it took me longer than most to grasp certain concepts in a way that I understood. But even so, I would always make my way to City Tech, no matter the weather, through rain or shine on my bicycle to become an exceptional nurse.

    The Associate Nursing Program at City Tech was both a frightening and rewarding journey. However, I was blessed to go through the program with my cousin, Stephanie. It truly makes a difference when you have people you trust on the same journey as you. At times, I tend to put an immense amount of pressure on myself, but I have learned coping mechanisms to help with my anxiety. I was striving to be the best nurse that I could be and learning how to cope and communicate has helped my greatly. Anyone who has been in the program knows how difficult it can be to push through, but I have endured misfortunes that brought me to my dream of working as a Registered Nurse today.

    Even though the Associate Nursing Program was difficult, it was a vital stepping stone on my journey. My enrollment in NYCCT’s nursing program thoroughly prepared me to pass the NCLEX exam and continue my education in obtaining my baccalaureate degree. My clinical experience in the nursing program was intimidating at first, but through incessant interaction with patients, I have learned to communicate in a way that has allowed my patients to put their trust in me.

    Nursing is a rewarding profession. I appreciate all the knowledge I have acquired in the Associate and Bachelor nursing programs. My previous clinical experience and current work experience have contributed to my ability in providing safe and high-quality patient care. It also made me more comfortable in advocating for my patient as a leader.