For my Culmination I would like to make a short film. I chose to do a short film because video is one of my track here at city tech and I have learned a lot of techniques that I can now implement into my filmmaking. I’ve had the opportunity to record shows and events in production crews. I’ve learn numerous techniques in regards to editing films and how emotion is created. Things that I am eager to test out in this project. I have been influenced to really make content that challenges perspectives and has meaning. Which is why this is the best time to utilize what I have learned in this project. After college some of my goals are to be a cinematographer and director. I intend to open up my own production company  in the near future and I feel that this project will give me an idea of what that would look like, just on a far less scale. Running this short film will give me real life experiences, such as, working with actors, conflicting schedules and so on. In hopes to make work that is impactful to others and make a difference in the world no matter how big or small.

For my short film I want to do just that. It will be a story inspired by the idea called the six degrees of separation. Especially in our current world climate, I think this is a very important message. The message that we are all connected and that we should be more conscious of our decisions because we never know who we are effecting down the line. In this day and age, I notice a lot of people don’t think about the next person. Our society consists of individuals who are only concerned with their own personal daily needs. We live in a society where everything is “I.” In my project I intend to show a different narrative. Which is where the idea of Six Degrees of Separation comes in. The idea that we are all connected. I will be following 6 actors and through a series of decisions and their effects throughout the story. Showing just how each of them are connected and how their decisions affected the next person, however big or small that decision was.  This message is what I intend to depict when this film is produced