Textual Analysis Outline


  1. Intro
    1. Opener- “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” Stated by Robert Frost.
    2. Thesis- The poem entitled “An Empty Threat” by Robert Frost, deals with isolation in terms of the physical landscape, the people the speaker encounters, and the legacy of Henry Hudson.
    3. First paragraph- Robert Frost stated, “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.” That is a very strong statement. Unfortunately, life will come to an end and Henry Hudson’s came to an end on his fourth voyage through the northern part of North America. The poem entitled, “An Empty Threat”, by Robert Frost, deals with isolation in terms of the physical landscape, the people the speaker talks about, and the legacy of Henry Hudson.
  2. Body
    1. Topic I – Physical landscape
    2. Topic II – People the speaker encounters
    3. Topic III – Legacy of Henry Hudson
  • Conclusion
    1. The isolation of the location and the people around the speaker gives a sense of what happened to Henry Hudson. Isolation isn’t just an emotional feeling, but also physically. Many people have felt isolated from family, friends and society based on their own feelings or where they are located. No one should feel isolated especially when you put your trust into people that say that they wouldn’t turn their back on you.