Student Survey

  1. What is your name, favorite music and favorite food?
    1. My name is Nicholas Attridge and I don’t have a specific food or music I favor the most. I love all food and all music pretty much. I do like some more than others but doesn’t mean it’s my favorite.
  2. What year of college and major.
    1. This is my first year in college but my second semester. My major is mechanical engineering. I chose that because of my love from working on cars for so many years. I also like to find out how things work.
  3. Where are you from?
    1. I was born in Queens, New York, but during the summer I moved to Jacksonvile, North Carolina. My dad was stationed there at Camp Lejeune. I recently moved back to New York for college in August of 2015.
  4. What was your high school like?
    1. I went to a regular public high school in North Carolina. Took regular English classes all four years.
  5. How is your English, Reading, and writing?
    1. English was my first and only language that I speak. With my mother’s side being Puerto Rican, I do understand a little bit of Spanish. I don’t read often because it makes me sleepy. Writing on the other hand, I don’t mind doing. I actually enjoy to putting my thoughts on paper.
  6. What are your goals for this class, year, and your life?
    1. My goals for this class are to make sure I pass. If I learn new things and better my reading and writing, I will not complain. My goal for this year is to transfer to Embry-Riddle in Daytona Beach to continue my college. After I graduate from there, I am hoping to go into the Air Force as a pilot.