Research Essay Outline


Opener-Thomas Jefferson said in the first draft of the Virginia Constitution, “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.”

Thesis- Throughout this essay, I will be able to explain about the importance of guns in The United States in terms of gun control, types and uses, and the pros and cons.

Paragraph 1- Thomas Jefferson said in the first draft of the Virginia Constitution, “No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.” That is a very strong quote by a very famous man in our country. Since I was little, I always admired guns. From the way they looked to the way they sound when you fire them. When I became of age to start shooting myself, I took every chance I can, because it felt like as if the world had paused around me. Throughout this essay, I will be able to explain about the importance of guns in The United States in terms of the history, types and uses, and the pros and cons.


Subtopic 1- Gun Control: History, where it’s at, where it is heading

Subtopic 2- Types and uses: Shotguns, pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles. Home defense, recreational sports, military and police use.

Subtopic 3- Pros: Has helped protect our nation through foreign and domestic terrorists.

Cons: Easily accessible to people that want to commit crimes. Has been used for many suicides.

Conclusion- I have discussed how important guns have been in the USA by discussing gun control, different types of gun and what they are used for, and by giving both pros and cons of guns. I have always been a full supporter of guns, but that doesn’t make me biased. I do believe that they should monitor certain people that buy guns or be more careful of how transactions are made. If things could go a certain way, I would have it to where owning a gun didn’t make you look like a bad person and that guns wouldn’t be a cause of many crimes within the United States. I want to own a bunch of guns as I get older and have a lot of land to shoot them on.