7 Point Review Personal Narrative

Alex Chao

7 Points of Peer Review

  1. Opener
    1. Opener included a quote with the name of the person who wrote it.
  2. Thesis w/ 3 subtopics
    1. Thesis was clear on topic and the three subtopics.
  3. 3 subtopic paragraphs
    1. The body paragraphs were separated by the three subtopics.
  4. Topic sentences
    1. Each subtopic paragraph started off with the topic sentence.
  5. Transitional phrases
    1. Was clear on each topic, but could have had better transition into each one.
  6. Grammar and Conventions
    1. There were a good amount of punctuation errors. Run-on sentences and some sentences needed to be reworded.
  7. Conclusion w/ restated thesis and a lead-out
    1. In the conclusion, he restated his thesis, but the paragraph was too short. He needs to add more to it. The lead-out sentence needs to also be reworded, it doesn’t tie into the paper so much.