Individual Strengths

love of nurse

I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals. One of my greatest strengths at work, which I have recognized about myself, would have to be my ability to be a well organized and detail oriented individual.

At home, on the other hand, my greatest personal strength is my patience. I am a mother of three beautiful and highly energetic young children. Patience is my greatest strength as a parent and individual, which I possess in order to handle being a full time student and a full time mother, especially in taking care of my back-to-back three-year-old and two-year-old sons. I am a dedicated and hard working mother and I always make sure that my children get the love and attention they need.

I have chosen to be a registered nurse to care for the sick and injured. Along those lines, a personal attribute that I am proud of is how caring I am. I have a strong desire to make a real difference for other people and try to be as helpful as I can be. I have always felt strong commitment to provide humanitarian services and have always expressed concern for the rights and dignity of all kinds of people. I always bear in mind that a nurse’s actions on the job can have far-reaching consequences, which means that even the smallest mistake may have tragic results. Therefore, strict attention to detail must be a second nature for me, which I work hard to improve on every day. Furthermore, I am a team player. I enjoy speaking, listening and giving my personal insight on a project or situation to my team members. I try my best to let my team members know that they can count on me to participate as a team player. Last but not least, in order to stay current and informed, as a successful nurse, I have been dedicated to continuing my education and participation in professional organizations.