
Nursing is a rewarding career which offers a wide variety of roles and a broad scope of responsibility. To me, nursing is one of the most exciting careers which also propose  me to be an advocate and health educator for patients, their families and the communities. Nurses’ duties are to promote health, prevent disease, and help people to cope with illness. First of all, I believe caring for a whole person is all about the profession of nursing. We can’t just simply care about  an illness. As nurses, we have to consider all standpoints of holistic care.  I do believe every nurse has his/her own philosophy of nursing. My personal nursing philosophy characterizes being with individual patients or communities and being engaged in every moment.  Nurses have to come across different situations each day. Therefore, we need the ability to make meaning of a patient’s situation. As a nurse I believe this could be done by involving significance to those things that can be felt, observed, heard, touched, smelled or imagined to our subjective interaction with patients. I believe to do my job to my best ability and to succeed as a nurse, the positive and strong belief of caring about a person holistically have a potential influence.

All nurses play a pivotal and central role in the health care system. As a result,a nursing career offers us opportunities to make a real meaningful difference to the people with illness. To do so, nurses need to use a holistic, patient –focused care and problem solving approach in relationship with patients and their families. We all are unique, and so do our needs . We are using the nursing process to plan according to each person’s needs and accommodate the needs of our patient. The first measure in delivering nursing care is to collect and analyze data through systemic and dynamic ways of assessment.    We donot only provide care directly to our patients; we do take indirect care to their families and communities.  I believe being a nurse opens a door to me to show the empathy to the patients as well to their families.

We the nurses , work in an environment that changes constantly , and to provide the best care to the patients, as a nurse, I believe I have to learn about the newest technology and  medications  as well as  bear in my mind of  new  evidence based care research information. Nurses should be competent to assess a patient, so they can be full partners with physicians. Nurses always are the critical thinker about the client’s response to actual or potential health conditions or needs. When as nurses, we see a patient in a pain, we also consider that the pain has caused other predicaments such anxiety, poor nutrition and dispute within the family. I know it is not easy to see patients suffer,  but providing them with support and kindness  allow them to feel loved in a different environment

Being a nurse is a rewarding to me, but at the same time giving me the chance to hold the greatest personal accountabilities to take lives of others into my hands.  .I  need to be compassionate and caring. To do the best at the bedside or in the community, we need to be in a good physical shape along with being morally highly qualified .we need to take care ourselves too.  Therefore we should practice to have good lifestyles: eating healthy, having enough sleep, exercising routinely as well as having positive attitude to achieve our authentic goals and become the persons we are meant to be. From my work experience, I believe that nurses must have  great interpersonal skills which will allow them to joyfully communicate with other healthcare professionals as well with their clients. According to Jean Watson’s Philosophy,   “a great nurse is going to work and finding ways to improve and help the patients to your best ability. It is to find ways to improve when you can’t and feel inspired by those around you and those who you take care of. It is to inspire patients and make them feel as if they were at home. It is to conquer all pain that comes with the job and do your job to your best ability (“Jean Watson’s Philosophy”, 2012).

My positive and strong beliefs of nursing influences me to succeed as a nurse and do my job to my best ability. I believe being a nurse gives me the amazing opportunities to help others and a great way to find the hope that tomorrow I can be the reason why someone smiles.