’s Profile

217 to 228 (of 3,517)

Tutoring Booking System for CUNY schools “Practice Pal”

Wasif Siddiquey

Regardless of the level of education a student is situated in, it is vital for all learners to absorb knowledge through methods that are not only functional but effective for students. In the modern age, the use […]

Group Project

Group Project

Nesr Mothana

Space Operations

Class Project

Class Project

Diana Rivera

Project for User testing and documenting

MTA congestion


This project is more about the causes and impacts of New York City metropolitan on commuters.

MTA congestion

MTA congestion


This project is more about the causes and impacts of New York City metropolitan on commuters.

COMD 1127 Final Portfolios

COMD 1127 Final Portfolios

Taniesha Hamilton

Final Portfolios for COMD 1127



Prof Korhonen





For ELA projects

ENG 2575 Group Project

Adrian Ramos

Website for group project

Solar Panel

Benefits of the Solar Panel

Tarique Boatswain Internship Journal

Tarique Boatswain Internship Journal


An internship Journal for documenting my progress.

PTW at City Tech

Diana Rivera

This project is just for testing out the user interface!