’s Profile

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Previous Eportfolio

Previous Eportfolio

Welcome! This is information from my previous eportfolio http://eportfolio.citytech.cuny.edu/cgrose/

NSP Curriculum

NSP Curriculum

The Next Step Program is a special program to give Verizon employees the opportunity to get an Associate’s Degree in Telecommunications over 4 years while continuing to work at Verizon. As part of their work […]



Project 2

Visual Quotes

A visual piece which illustrates famous quotes from historical figures.

GRA 1110

GRA 1110

Visual Quotations



Bring awareness to issues in Africa with water

Professional Essay

Professional Essay

This professional essay project allows the students to present the raison d’etre for deciding on a career in human service of choice/specialty by exploring their strenghts and weaknesses as well as projecting a […]



Luisiana Estevez ePortfolio

Luisiana Estevez ePortfolio

This is my ePortfolio for Professor’s Alam course

Lyse Pamphile-ePortfolio

Lyse Pamphile-ePortfolio

Human Service Seminar

Daynia Mitchell’s eportfolio

Daynia Mitchell’s eportfolio

Human Service Seminar

Sara Munoz eportfolio

Sara Munoz eportfolio

My online portfolio