’s Profile

4,237 to 4,248 (of 4,321)

MEDU2901 D015 Fall 2023

Bruce Kan
MEDU2901|Fall 2023

Peer Leader Training

English 1101-OL16 (English Composition I)

English 1101-OL16 (English Composition I)

Jill Belli
1101|Fall 2022

A course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques including use of the library. Demanding readings assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.

DEN 2400 (Spring 2023)

DEN 2400 (Spring 2023)

Dr. Bowers
DEN2400L|Spring 2023

Principles of Dental Hygiene Care IV

ENG 2420: Science Fiction

ENG 2420: Science Fiction

Jill Belli
2420|Fall 2016

English 2420 combines analysis of science fiction as literature with consideration of the questions science and technology raise about past, present, and future societies. In class discussions and essays, students […]

MAT1575 Tutoring

MAT1575 Tutoring

K. Andrew Parker

For questions about Calculus II – MAT1575

Ways of Seeing – FYLC Fall 2015

Jody R. Rosen, Jenna Spevack
COMD1100 & ENG1101|Fall 2015

Ways of Seeing: Adventures with Image & Text This Learning Community for COMD students taking COMD1100 & ENG1101 will include field trips, hands-on projects, and cross-sensory experiences to help you discover […]


Jenna Spevack, Sarah Schmerler
COMD1100 & ENG1101|Fall 2016

PLAY WITH YOUR PROBLEMS Learning Community Life is a series of problems to solve. Learn to embrace play: discovery, ideation and experimentation, to find imaginative solutions. This First Year Learning […]

Ways of Seeing – FYLC Fall 2014

Jenna Spevack
ADV1100 & ENG1101|Fall 2014

Ways of Seeing: Adventures with Image & Text This Learning Community for ADGA students taking ADV1100 & ENG1101 will include field trips, hands-on projects, and cross-sensory experiences to help you discover […]

HMGT4702, FA2018

HMGT4702, FA2018

Harry Shapiro
Fall 2018

Services marketing and management

ENG 2003 Introduction to Poetry

ENG 2003 Introduction to Poetry

Robert LestΓ³n
2003|Spring 2015

Intro to poetry

Communication Design Theory COMD3504_OL08

Jenna Spevack
COMD3504|Fall 2021

An in-depth introduction to communication design theory, this course examines theoretical perspectives of design practice within the larger discourse of design and visual culture. Communication models, the nature […]

CT101 LC01 Fall 2023

CT101 LC01 Fall 2023

Gertzog 'sEnglish
CT101|Fall 2023

This workshop focuses on helping new students transition to college life, and specifically to City Tech. The workshop will enhance the New Student Connection with additional information, activities, and various […]