Personal strengths

Knowing who am and recognizing my strengths and weaknesses has enabled me to grow personally as well as professionally. A heart of compassion is one of my greatest strength. It involves competence in nursing skills and exercising those skills in a caring manner. These are qualities that I possess. I genuinely care about others and I am dedicated to providing the best care possible for all people in spite of race, culture, socioeconomic background, religion or sexual orientation. Compassion  enables me to actively listening to others and allows me to sometimes hear  the things that aren’t being said. This quality lets others know that they are important to me and  in turn improves relationships.

Another of my strengths  include excellent communication skills. I interact  and communicate well with people of diverse backgrounds. I realize that we all have different perspectives on how to perform certain tasks and projects, therefore when I am working with others I keep in mind  the fact that each person comes with their own objectives and ideas. I value the opinion of others and realize that good communication  involves  active listening, paying close attention to what is being said and  asking questions for clarification to prevent misunderstandings. I also possess excellent interpersonal skills  and can inspire others to become involved.  I am relationship builder, which involves conflict resolution among my coworkers.

Another of my personal strengths is organization. I believe that  organization is key to time management and for setting the course for successful completion of any  assignment, activity or program in a safe and effective way. In order to accomplish my work assignment in a timely, safe and efficient manner I  make a list of all that needs to be done in order of priority and check things off as they are completed. This has made a world of difference for me, especially when I worked in the emergency department where having 10-14 patients at a time, working with 3-5 doctor and an environment  of frequently changing patient conditions was the norm.

I am dedicated, hard-working, tenacious and have excellent work ethics. I love being a nurse, therefore I am  committed to my patients, their families, my employer and to the profession.  I have and will always strive to provide the best care to my patients, their families as well as the community at  all times.