Learning Self-Analysis


Learning Self Analysis

 I am a registered nurse and have been practicing for the past 30 years. I love nursing and believe that it is truly my calling in life. I have always believed that true nursing is more than a job, but it stems from a heart of genuine compassion for the welfare of others. I believe in continuing education and have obtained credentials in specialty areas so that I can provide the best care for my patients; however I did not see the need for returning to school or for obtaining a baccalaureate degree (BS).  Moving back to New York City some years ago and trying to get a job was an eye opener for me. Because I did not have a baccalaureate degree it took many months to secure a nursing position. I was then motivated to return to school to obtain my BS in Nursing, or be content with staying in my current position, as the possibility for career mobility or job advancement is limited without a baccalaureate degree .

Since starting the BS program at NYCTC my perspective on education has changed.  I now realize that advancing my education not only increases my competence but I can become a great nurse for my patients,  their families as well as the community. Taking  research  has opened my eyes to the significance research plays in providing best practice care, as well as improving patient outcomes.  I have also been enlightened on the role research plays in enacting health policy changes. I am now inspired to become involved in research as well as policy matters.  Leadership and Professional nursing are two classes that have transformed and are continuing to transform my life. I have been a nurse for a long time and have led out in different situations and activities, but after taking the class on leadership I am motivated to become a transformational leader. As a professional nurse I am obligated to providing care according to the American Nurses Association guidelines. I am obligated to move the profession forward and that means I will continue to pursue education to not only provide best practice care but to become a leader, to affect policy change, and continue to advancing in education to ensure that nursing will remain a credible profession among the health disciplines.

Starting out on this journey to obtain by BS in nursing has been challenging at times. I have had some sleepless nights and stressful day, however it is an experience that has transformed my life, not just in a professional but in a personal way. I  am not the same person I was a year ago. My views on education as well as health care on a whole have changed. Recognizing the complexity of healthcare and the need for more educated and competent professionals haves encouraged, motivated and empowered me to not only complete my BS degree but to also consider pursuing my masters degree as well.