Personal Philosophy of Nursing

My philosophy defines nursing as an art of enlightenment. To quote Buddha, “If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path.” Nurses are blessed with the honor and opportunity to touch so many people’s lives by connecting to their souls. They are the light that shines during the darkest and gloomiest moments. They illuminate on the paths for many people by offering a gleam of hope through exercising holistic care, empowerment, increasing self-determination, and autonomy.
As a Registered Nurse, I will continue to hold the torch to ensure the flame does not go out. As my understanding that many lives are entrusted to me, I will strive to provide the most optimal environment to improve my patients’ conditions. My endeavors are to provide every patient with an environment that will satisfy all human needs based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, from physiological needs to self-actualization. I would empower my patients with the major concepts from Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model and evidence-based motivational interviewing techniques to enhance their lives during ambivalence moments.
I will always advocate for my patients and respect their ethnic values and cultural beliefs. At no time will I allow my own personal biases affect my judgment and actions. I will treat every patient as they are the most important person in the world. I understand it is my duty to continue learning and always apply evidence-based research to my care plans.
My acquired skills will be utilized to administer their medications safely, uphold their privacy and confidentiality, provide a safe and clean or sterile environment at all times. I will always respect my patients, their families, my fellow colleagues, my friends, my family, and myself.