Deliverable: Poster

This poster is something I made for my internship with the City Tech Writing Center. The intended audience is city tech students and teachers. The  purpose if this poster is to get students and teacher to come to the event and to gain attention to the City Tech Writing Center. 

I used Canva to create this poster. Originally, I made three posters that included a lot more text. However, after I received feedback from the Writitng Center, I cut back on the amount text on the posters. 

For this poster, I wanted to create a bright and eye-catching poster. I used a spring themed, white and pink poster to create the base. I also added a fun strawberry and overlay graphic to the background to make it more eye-catching. I played with different colors and fonts on the text to make sure each text box is read and given distinct important information.

I made sure to align all the text and enlarged or reduced the fonts in order of the emphasis I wanted to give the text. I also wanted the title to standout, so I angled it slightly misaligned with the rest of the text and I added drop shadows behind it with another font to make it stand out.

Overall, I tried to use different elements to create a poster that was both attractive to look at and easy to read at a glance.