Deliverable: Grant

I made this grant proposal for a class project where we had to pick a non-profit organization we were passionate about and request another non-profit for a grant. The organization I chose was the Muslims Giving Back (MGB) non-profit organization, which is based in my community. I support the work they do for the local less fortunate community members and various other causes. Islamic Relief USA (IRUSA) is a global non-profit that provides all forms of aid to those in need globally, they also provide grants to organizations to run their own projects. The Hot Meals grant is one of the IRUSAs grant programs that provide funds for smaller organizations to run their own food pantries in their communities. 

The intended audience for the project was the chairman of the IRUSA Hot Meals grant project, Mr. Hamadi Bengabsia, and the related personnel. The purpose of this grant was to request for funding from IRUSA and propose a partnership going forward. I gave background information on what kind of organization MGB is, why they need the grant, and how they will utilize it best.

For the proposal, I wanted to include a clear set of data on exactly where and how the funds would be distributed. I created tables that broke down how the funds were being utilized. I also explained the data in the tables concisely, to show why MGB should have the grant. I concluded the proposal by reiterating that MGB is a community-based organization that has community members in need and that IRUSAs mission aligns with MGBs.

I revised the proposal twice after receiving feedback on my project. This helped me to remove the unnecessary parts of the proposal and create a more direct, and concise document. 

I am passionate about supporting Islamic non-profits; therefore, a lot of my projects feature them.