Deliverable: Guide

This is a guide for a class project. I chose to use the eyeball to create a simple guide to the parts and functions of the eyeball. The intended audience for this guide is adults. The purpose of the guide is to provide the users with a quick and informative walk-through of the external and internal parts of the eyeball and explain their functions. 

This document was created on Microsoft Word. I used different heading styles and subheadings to create an interactive and compressible document to make the content easier to use for the audience. I also used the table of contents feature on Microsoft Word and an appendix for more usability for the users of the guide. 

All sections of the guide were labeled with short and direct headings related to the contents of the corresponding section. All the sections also included one picture that depicted what part of the eyeball I was describing. I separated each part of the eyeball into chapters, and I used subheadings to separate each section in the chapters. 

 I chose to write short paragraphs, two-three sentences each, and implement bullets throughout the guide. This makes the information easier to absorb for the audience.

I revised the guide twice after receiving feedback on the document. I had to update my appendix to make sure that it was active in the document. I also had to update the table of contents to make it more maneuverable for the audience.

My goal in this document was to create a usable document that compressed complicated information and made it comprehensible and transparent for the users.