Deliverable: Description of Airplane

This is a class project we had to do where we had to describe an airplane of our choice. I chose to describe the Japanese world war II fighter plane, the Kyushu J7W Shinden. The intended audience of this description is web users who are interested in learning about the aircraft. The language and content of the document are suitable for adults and teens. 

The purpose of the document is to describe the aircraft, the systems, the parts, and the description and purpose of the parts. The document also critiques the aircraft in terms of availability, its advantages and disadvantages, and its uses and equipment. 

To create this description, I had to do research on the aircraft and I couldn’t find content that had details on the aircraft. I found four pictures that had Japanese blurbs and the translations were not reliable. I found some youtube videos as well, but most of my sources were on Canard aircraft rather than the Kyushu Shinden aircraft. I used the pictures to get the specifics of the aircraft, like the measurements and the names of the parts. 

I used Microsoft Word to create this document. I separated the description into external and internal sections. Both of those sections had subsections that described the different parts and the purpose of them. I included pictures to help describe the part of the aircraft I was describing. 

The aircraft had limited information on it, but I did external research on similar planes to complete the missing information. 

I try to make all my user documents easy to follow in terms of sectioning and images used. I also try to use standard language, rather than including specialized language. This helps to make the document usable.