Deliverable: Proposal Asiyah Womens Center

The Asiyah Womens Center Proposal was project for a class. The intended audience is the chairman of the womens center. The purpose of the project is to get my team a partnership with the womens center. 

In this proposal, I first looked at what the womens cnters websites and social media. I saw that, although they were doing important work, they were not publisicing enough. I got the idea to propose to publiscise for them through a more trendy means, like an animated video and a more practical means like pop-up stalls. 

In the proposal, I included who my team was, our credentials, a detailed outline of the implemttaion plan, and the risks and benefits. 

The proposal was made using Microsoft Word. I used different heading features, subheadings, and graphs to create the proposal. I also created a appendix, and I included what deliverables I could. The paragraphs didnt include unnecessary information and I bulleted most of the content to make the proposal easier to read. 

I wanted to write a proposal for something I am passionate about, and I am interested in these types of non-profits, because I believe their missions are important and helpful to many people. That is why a lot of my projects are based off of non-profits.