Deliverable: Instructions Microsoft Word

The instruction for Microsoft Word files and home tools is a project we had to do in class. 

The intended audience is Microsoft Word users. The purpose of the document is to create a set of clear instructions for users who do not know how to use the files and home tools of  Microsoft Word. 

This document gives detailed instructions on how to use each feature in the home and file tools. It starts by giving instructions on how to locate the tools and then breaks down how to do different things with different features. I gave each step a title on what the instructions are and I included screenshots from the application on my device to ensure that the users are seeing what I am seeing.

The instructions are long but each section is small and has a short set of instructions. I used screenshots and highlighted each part of the document I was giving instructions about to make the instructions and the images coherent with each other and the user. 

I made sure all the headings and formatting were consistent throughout the entire document so despite its large size, it wasn’t difficult for the user to navigate through. I wanted to make each section easily findable and useable with the consistency I applied throughout the document.