this is a program that asks you to count the to numbers that the user enters.
# Lab 2 – control flow
# 02/26/13
# Session: 9304import math
x = input (‘Enter the first number: ‘)
y = input (‘Enter the second number:’)
print (‘Enter 1 to add the numbers’)
print (‘Enter 2 to subract the numbers’)
print (‘Enter 3 to miltipy the numbers ‘)
print (‘Enter 4 to divde the numbers’)
print (‘Enter 5 to remainder the numbers ‘)
print (‘Enter 6 to greater than or less then or equal to ‘)
z = input (‘Enter your selection:’)
if z == 1:
result = x+y
print (“The sum of”) ,x,(‘ and’),y,(‘is = ‘),result
elif z == 2:
result = x-y
print (‘the difference of’),x,(‘and’),y,(‘is = ‘),result
elif z == 3:
result = x*y
print (‘ The product of ‘),x,(‘and’),y,(‘is =’),result
elif z == 4:
result = x/y
print (‘ The quoution of ‘),x,(‘and’),y,(‘is =’),result
elif z == 5:
result = x%y
print (‘The remainder of ‘),x,(‘and’),y,(‘is =’),result
if x>y:
elif x<y:
else x==y:
print (‘The value of’),x,(‘and’),y,(‘is =’),result