TD Problem 2 – Deck Turnover


I was the technical director in charge of the scenery crew at City Tech. We had a concert take place on Friday night and a talent show took place the day after. The band wants its logo painted on the floor. While the talent show wants the floor painted full black with a glossy finish.

For the band’s logo, I decided to get it printed on a large vinyl banner about 19′ by 17′-6″ that we would stretch and staple to the deck. This turnover will take a fraction of the time provided. The deck was then painted fully black rather than painting the deck after the band’s performance. The vinyl was stretched and stapled over it, this also protected the painted surface so after the concert all that needed to be done was remove the vinyl.

Below is an example of how the deck will have the vinyl stretched over it, while also being painted.

A simple jig was used to counter sink all holes screws would be mounted through.


The vinyl was convenient rather than painting the very detailed logo, having a jpeg sent out and printed by another company for us saved a lot of time and resources when it came to installing the deck.


Outsourcing some tasks can help you if your project is time sensitive. Multiple hours were available during the turnover but the transition would only take an hour or even less. Shortening our turnaround time helps give other departments plenty of time to do their own set up like lighting focusing their lights or audio performing sound checks.