There are four projects, each of which counts for 16% of your grade. The projects correspond to each of the four modules, and will be listed below in reverse chronological order.
Project 04 (Music Technology)
An individual project with four components:
- Activity 10. (25%)
2. Max Software Quiz #2, which tests on what you learned from creating Max patch files according to Tutorial 3 + Tutorial 4. (25%)
3. Find an article that details electronic music creation using Max/MSP or another DAW and write 500-1000 words on it. Describe context, how it was used for real-time signal processing, and the effect of the output on users/audience. Include article URL + one (or more) quotes. Post to #Project04 on Slack. (25%)
4.Create your own mix and match Max/MSP patch file that combines elements from Tutorials 2-4 to create an additive synth with 4 signal inputs and 1speaker object. Here is a video tutorial that may help. (25%)
Project 03 (Physical Computing)
Imagine that the City of New York launched an open call for physically interactive design solutions that address one of today’s most pressing needs. Your team’s mission is to create a concept design/proposal plus a lo-fi physical/digital prototype and present it, as if you could be awarded the grant funding to create your hi-fi prototype. Your design solution can be an experiential game, game controller, IoT product, wearable, art object, installation, or something akin to one of the examples you read about in Assignment 8, but it must fit the description of physical computing that we reviewed in class:
- Sensing and controlling the physical world through hardware and software.
- Connecting your digital world, and the capabilities of computing, with your analogue physical reality, through interactive systems.
Your team’s proposal must mix hardware and software, physical elements with code, and integrate a human-centered interactive system. Your team’s lo-fi prototype (made by one member with materials at home) can be a metaphor, and your p5.js sketch must show at least two sensors and two actuators “activated” via mouse or keys.
Project 03 – Physical Computing Concept Outline
Project 03 – Responsibilities and Collaboration
Project 03 – Job Descriptions
Project 02 (Unit 03, Media Computation)
Your final assignment is to create an original interactive canvas-based composition that showcases your creativity and understanding of the material. It should feature animation and user input to produce an interactive composition.
Your project must be responsive (involving user input), and include the following:
- at least three 2D primitives with different stroke, fill, or other attributes.
- at least one instance of overlapping shapes (to help you understand draw order – which shape is drawn first);
- define and use at least two variables:
- one that contains a color value (keyword, hex, rgb, rgba), and one that includes coordinates utilized in the animation.
- define and use an animation loop, as in the example code for lesson 3.
- Make something move when a key is pressed or make something happen with the mouse click + movement.
- Must be the result of deliberate design (not accidental, not just plopping stuff on the canvas), code should feature proper alignment, and include explanatory comments – tell me what you’re doing, and why you’re doing it, as you do it.
- Change the title of the page in index.html using the <title></title> element.
- A comment block at the top of your HTML
- A comment block at the top of your JavaScript
Project 01 (Unit 02, Game Design & Interactive Media)
Team-based game concept & design development project.
The schedule can be downloaded here.
The Game Concept Outline can be downloaded here.
The Presentation guidelines / outline can be downloaded here.