Narrative Self Reflection

Meika Sorzano


This self-reflection allows me to evaluate my ability to meet course objectives for community health nursing. This course has opened my eyes to another aspect of nursing. Currently, nursing is moving from hospital based to community based. Therefore I should be able to understand the fundamentals of community nursing upon completion of this course. As a nurse I must be prepared to work within the community to achieve health goals.

Objective 1: Demonstrates individual professionalism through personal behaviors and appearance

As a nurse I am aware of the importance of client confidentiality. I have been able to learn about my community through interviewing and interacting with the community members. I prepare for clinical learning by using internet access and the textbook. I have completed all of my assignments within the designated timeframe. I have sought guidance from both my clinical and lecture professors whenever necessary. I have been an active participant in clinical conferences, input was necessary for choosing a service learning project. I am always professionally attired and attend clinical punctually.

Objective 2: Employ analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills when providing care to individuals and families in the community setting

At my clinical site, which is a school, I did not have access to client records. In order to gather information I spoke with parents, teachers and the children. My clients’ ages were between three and five years old, so I was able to assess their developmental and emotional stages during class activities. There were no home visits scheduled on my clinical days, so all interactions took place within the school. This was a safe environment that allowed parents to open up about the different issues regarding their families’ health.

Objective 3: Effectively communicate with diverse groups and disciplines using a variety of strategies regarding the health needs of individuals and families in the community setting

I was able to utilize my therapeutic communication skills by using open-ended questions and by practicing active listening. Also, I was able to communicate clearly and effectively with the teachers and the children regarding any special projects such as our healthy eating presentations. We worked as a team to create the projects and presentations. Because I was mostly interacting with four year olds, I had to learn to adapt my speech to their developmental needs.

Objective 4: Establish an environment conducive to learning and use a plan for learners based on evidence-based practice

As a group we developed a teaching plan about asthma, because this was the disease affecting most of the families in the community. In order to implement the plan we had a booth at the school’s Fall Festival. We printed flyers with an asthma action plan for toddlers, school age and older children, that were given to the parents at the festival. One of our incentives was a Q&A on asthma with prizes. Many of the parents that approached our booth already had information on asthma, so we supplemented with information about safe cleaning products to avoid asthma and allergy triggers.

Objective 5: Utilize informational technology when managing individuals and families in the community

In order to better manage individuals and families in the community we used our phones to access YouTube videos for yoga and rainy day activities for the children. However, we did not have access to our clients’ records.

Objective 6: Demonstrate a commitment to professional development

I am currently working on that objective because I am enrolled in a Bachelor of Science in nursing program and I plan to pursue a graduate degree as well. As a nurse I must demonstrate care, compassion and empathy. This is accomplished by combining the art and the science of nursing. I have to continuously evaluate myself in order to adapt to the changing world of nursing. Community nursing presents challenges because it requires independent practice. As I become more confident in my role as a nurse I will be able to adjust to these challenges.

Objective 7: Incorporate professional nursing standards and accountability into practice

Professional nursing standards ensure that the best possible care is given to clients. We are professionals and our practice should always reflect ethical standards. As a nurse I must ensure that the care I provide is within my scope of practice.

Objective 8: Collaborate with clients, significant support persons and members of the health care team

Collaboration ensures that everyone is on the same page in regards to achieving the same goal. I was able to collaborate with my fellow nurses, the professor and the teachers at the school. The clients at my clinical site were of the age where they needed advocates to ensure that they are provided with the necessary health care. Parents were provided with information to find resources about asthma. We advocated for healthy eating and exercise to assist children with asthma. Also, we provided information from the New York City Housing Authority about free extermination of insects and rodents.

Objective 9: Recognize the impact of economic, political, social and demographic forces that affect the delivery of health care services

There are many changes taking place in the healthcare system at this time. Everyone is aware of the cuts in healthcare coverage as well as the frequent abuse of the system. These concerns affect everyone and as advocates for our clients we have to find a way to make their concerns know. I cannot predict the future of the healthcare system. However while it is still available, we as community nurses have to ensure that our clients can benefit from these services.


In conclusion, community nursing has taught me to appreciate the diversity of everyone around me. Also, it has helped me to see and understand the disparities in neighborhoods, and where the nurse can be an advocate. It has defined what the nurse needs to do in order provide the best possible care for her clients. Many resources and services are available to our communities. As the community nurse we are in the position to provide information that may enhance our clients’ quality of life. The community nurse plays many different roles; advocate, caregiver, and teacher.