Learning Self-Analysis

On reflection, throughout the Baccalaureate program in Nursing, I have developed into a more confident person. This has been reflected in my practice as a nurse. I remember when I would be very timid, afraid or unwilling to ask questions. Now I know how to elicit information from my patients with confidence. I am willing and able to take on challenges and work to find solutions. I was introduced to the concept of “stretching”, moving out of my comfort zone, I am challenging myself every day to “stretch”.

The different courses have given me other perspectives of nursing. I have truly learned that the nurse is an important member of the healthcare team. We function as nurse educators and advocates, in addition to roles in leadership and case management. Through discussion boards and journals I have been able to express my ideas and feelings about nursing, and receive feedback from my peers. Also, I have improved on my writing, communication and critical thinking skills.

As I approach the completion of the program, I realize that I have grown emotionally as a person. My view of the world and nursing has changed. I am encouraged to think about my fellow human beings and how I can help to make life a little more comfortable for them. Nursing school in general has helped to look at myself and ask the hard questions. What is my purpose? Where do I go from here? All I know is that as a nurse I am in a continuous growth and learning process.