
Nursing is a noble profession. It is not for the weak minded or something that you do just for the money. Nursing shows you things you would not see in any other profession and it changes you. Nursing was not my first choice as a career; I did it because I knew it would help me become a better person. As I am reaching the end of the undergraduate phase I see how the art and science of nursing have come together to form a profession that makes you think about your fellow human beings. Nursing is a diverse profession; it is no longer about working in a hospital. You have many choices of how and where to practice nursing.

It is belief that in order to be an excellent nurse, you must continue to learn throughout your career. Health care is changing and as nurses we have to stay with the current trends. The ethical codes which govern our practice as nurses ensure that we provide our patients with the best care possible. I believe in being empathetic. Everyone at some point in their lives will be a patient. I believe that you must treat your patients with dignity and respect. Also the art of listening should be learned by each and every nurse.

The main theory that we have followed at New York City College of Technology is Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. The core concepts are the human being, health, the environment / society and nursing. Watson’s theory emphasizes holistic care of patients. In holistic care that means you are taking care of every aspect of the, psychosocial as well as physiological. I am still young in the practice of nursing but I am willing to continue educating myself in order to always provide the best possible care for my patients.