About Me



Welcome to my ePortfolio in which you can find information about my education, career, plans and goals as a registered nurse.

I decided to become a nurse when I first started to work as a home health aide. Seeing the fragile and helpless residents living alone in their homes some with depression others with dementia, it made me realize how much value and compassion I can give to the patients at home. Receiving warm thanks I realized how rewarding it was to give help to those in need. Also when working with patients in acute settings during my clinical rotations I felt fulfilled that I could really help a person in such helpless times in their lives.

And now at the end of fulfilling baccalaureate degree in nursing I can’t wait to start applying all the knowledge acquired during my education in practice, because just what the image portrays nurses do make a difference in patient’s life. During associate degree I have learned skills to care for patient at bedside, whereas bachelor program expanded my paths of nursing in that nurses can be more. Jean Watson said “Caring is the essence of nursing”, and it truly is as caring makes nursing profession valuable in one’s life.

Having said that here is my philosophical nursing statement:

Philosophy is a study of values, beliefs, and knowledge by which humans live. It is concerned with truth, logic, ethics, religion, love, wisdom and morals. The philosophical view one holds about life and how one should live its life lies in own beliefs and values. In nursing, caring is the essence in providing care to patients, because if no care is shown then this profession is pointless. All the factors that are related to philosophy as mentioned above are core in nursing profession and all of those factors go into caring. As Watson’s theory of caring underlines ten carative factors about nursing so are philosophical ways one lives about. The first three carative factors, formation of humanistic values, installation of faith-hope and cultivating sensitivity are the philosophical foundation of caring. Indeed, forming a place where people are most valued, where in the midst of technology faith and hope are encouraged, and where showing sensitivity to others is practiced, will improve quality of life for patients and nurses.

Ethical values I hold are love, family, respect, faith, trust, support. The ones pertinent to nursing are respect, trust, support, human values, empathy. The theories I most value are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Jean Watson’s caring theory. Starting from first semester of nursing Maslow’s theory was introduced as one of the most important related to human needs that is lower needs such as food, water, sleep and air, to higher needs of self-actualization such as acceptance, morality and lack of prejudice. Then Jean Watson’s caring theory illustrates a way in which nursing profession should be practiced with sensitivity, trust, support, protection and the most highlighted care. The most important view for me is to be healthy and loved, to raise my children in caring and loving home, to have basic needs such as food and shelter and to teach and learn every day valuable lessons of life.