My Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing is an incredibly valuable profession. It requires a moral mindset and passion for medicine. Philosophy itself is very opinion-based and since nursing is a popular profession, the philosophy of nursing may be contradictory when compared by various people around the world. However, this does not necessarily signify that some are correct and others are not. Because there is no universal philosophy of nursing, all philosophies are correct in their own way as long as they include the essential elements: passion, morality, dedication, innovation, knowledge, and support are just some of many. My philosophy of nursing shines light on the six elements that I have just mentioned. Of course, other unmentioned elements are illuminated as well. I chose these elements because I believe that they are the roots and trunk of nursing philosophy which help develop and grow all other elements. In addition, they are securely intertwined; without passion, true dedication would become difficult, and without dedication and knowledge, innovation would never take place. Morality is critical characteristic in any field of science. It is what separates beautiful innovations from the corrupt. Morality doesn’t necessarily depend on knowledge or passion, but lack of morality may certainly affect which direction innovations are applied━the good vs. evil, so to say. Support in nursing practice and law is supported by morality, ironically, which is another example of their intertwinement. Law is based on ethics, which are based on a general but universal idea of morality. Therefore, support in morality of nursing practice and law allows for understanding what actions to accept or reject. Besides morality, passion and dedication are they key components to making patients content. Passion provides love and care while dedication provides an endless amount of them. I believe that every nurse should be involved in their profession because they feel passion for it. Passion is unique characteristic that involuntarily uses itself as a platform for producing incredible results, which is something that greed, desire, or appreciation cannot accomplish. Innovations usually sprout from the roots of passion, dedication, and knowledge. Knowledge is great thing to have. However, this topic contains a lot of controversy in nursing practice. But, I think that if a nurse contains passion and dedication, he or she will intrinsically gain knowledge over time. It comes with the package. When somebody loves something, he or she studies it because it is a part of his or her passion to better-­understand. And dedication keeps the motor running. I follow these elements every day not only as an aspiring nurse but as a human being. I sense my passion for nursing and health care. I have been dedicated to this profession for over a decade and my dedication is still creating momentum if not more than initially. I care for every patient as though they are family because, well, they are family. They are the leaves that complete my tree of elements. I apply my knowledge through education and practice. I enjoy having the opportunity and ability to treat people and making their lives better. I innovate psychology and knowledge instead of technology. I believe that sometimes it is necessary to first treat a person from the inside before treating him or her from the outside using technology. Every patient is unique and therefore I adapt to their needs and personality, which makes me a very flexible person.