
Individual Strengths

Everybody has their own unique strengths and attributes that make up themselves. Mine are unique because they have developed over many years through experience, success, failure, and practice. The first strength of mine which sticks out the most would be my perseverance and endurance. I am able to never give up and continue trying until success is accomplished. I am in no rush for much of the time. My opinion is that rushing results in poor outcomes, which is definitely not good. A nurse should never be willing to rush through anything. A few more of my attributes would be my ability to set goals. When I create a goal such as something simple like renovating the house or something more difficult like completing a bachelor’s degree, I will focus on that goal like a target is focused on a bullseye. This with mixture of my ability in perseverance usually allows me to complete all my objectives efficiently. I would also like to add that I am caring. I enjoy understanding my patients and I feel great when I am able to help or care for them. Not only is this my occupation but also my moral duty to assist individuals with use of my knowledge. A few final strengths that I would like to add would be unbiased personality and ability to adapt to new things. Both of these prove helpful among patients. A nurse cannot have a clogged judgement or biased impression about their patient. We are all human beings; we all have the same anatomy and physiology and require the same health care (more or less). My ability to adapt to new things proves useful when needing to work with new patients. Each patient is unique and therefore my ability to adapt allows me to work more efficiently with them.