Case Study

Patient is M.O. 77 years old. Medium/Type II

Patient health history and vital signs: No premedication required. BP: 128/60 P: 58. Patient has a history of atrial fibrillation and is currently not taking any medications.

Oral Pathology: 5x7mm round raised nodule on buccal mucosa adjacent to tooth #30.

Dentition: No active caries. Missing teeth #1, 16, 17, and 32. Patient has composite restorations on tooth #19, amalgams on #30 and 31, gold onlays on #2-5, 14, 15, 18 and 29, PFM on #8, 9, 12, 13, and 20. Attrition on #6-11 and 22-28.

Periodontal: Generalized pink, spongy, retractable gingiva with minimal inflammation. Generalized 4-5mm pockets. Moderate BUP.

Oral Hygiene: Patient was classified as medium w light staining. PI score was 1.3. Biofilm was mostly found on the cervical third of all posterior teeth as well as the interproximal areas of all teeth. I demonstrated flossing to the patient because I found that most of the biofilm found was in the interproximal areas.

Radiographs: FMS last taken 10/2012. I recommend 4BWS to be taken on her next visit to check the level of bone loss.


I completed all the assessments, educated the patient on proper flossing technique, full mouth scaling, polishing, and sodium varnish was applied because patient had exposed roots. This patient was my first elderly patient. I was really intimidated because I was afraid I wasn’t used to treating anyone over the age of 55. To my surprise, it was nothing as bad as what I thought. I learned not to be afraid of treating the elderly.

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