New Beginnings

All good things must come to a … disconnect? Friday the 20th, 2015 was the day it all began. I, unlike, the rest of the world decided to PURPOSELY sign myself off of all the social networking sites in which I participate in…
Why Don’t You Like Me?

It is amazing how much has changed since yesterday. It has only been two days—TWO DAYS! I have found myself searching for things to do instead of having one thing to do: scroll…
Replacing My Digital Footprint

It has become over the years a tradition of mine and I believe many to wake up each morning and check your social media sites to see what you have missed while catching your few hours of Z’s…
Participating in The World Around Me

I thought I would have fallen off the band wagon as by now. It has been 4 days and with having the ability to just tap a few squares and have it all back has been completely shaken me…
Attention Attention Attention!

When you spend most of your time with your head buried in your phone on a social site you ever wondered what you’ve missed? …

An iPhone is by far one of this generations more prized inventions. It is a small powerhouse and allows us to do so much right in the palm of our hands…
Thankful Connections

Face-to-face contact has become limited by busy people with busy jobs and lives. On such a social holiday as Thanksgiving where families are bustling from place to place to reach grandma’s house to eat dinner it becomes possible to see how lost physical contact has become…
Emotions are Running High

Emotions are running high today and for a variety of difference. I am starting to feel an overwhelming sense of loss which I was not feeling yesterday. I feel as if I am missing out on so much information and events…
Open for Interpretation

Side by side these photographs offer very apparent difference; like day and night even though it is of the same place hours a part on the same day. The one on the right is brighter, more inviting, and the overall mood can be interpreted as happy and pleasant…
Tough Consequences

Time moves in mysterious ways; one day we are outside playing with friends the next we are watching siblings or our children play by way of a screen which simulate outside experiences. Social media allows us to live vicariously through others, gives us the ability to connect and find long lost friends, but it also creates a vast amount of problems for us…
Try To Make Me Sign Off, I Said No No No!

This experiment has been like rehab. As I round the final few days I have been able to see just how attached and in a way addicted I am to social media. I will admit that for the first few days I downloaded the Instagram app at least 3 times a day…

This is it, I can feel it; the holi… no! My return to my social media sites! It has been two very long weeks and with the home stretch in reaching distance I want to take the time to highlight a few key learned aspects at this point…
This Is It.

Social Networking sites have the ability to minimize the amount of content but capture and maximize the amount of information. Writing for new media is so precise that it stipulates conditions in which a writer must carefully and concisely present information in such a way that it is understood within a clip or a snippet of the bigger picture….
Today is THE day.

Today is the last and final day of this experiment and with everything said and done I believe that the research, words, and generation of content that arose due to this project gives a new outlook on how exactly social media affects the average user. We immerse ourselves in these communities and without much thought devote so much of ourselves cognitive and psychological beings into who we are and who we are assumed to be on these social networking sites…
For full access to the see the Signed off Digital Diary in its entirety click: ‘Signed Off’