Entry 1

After 2 months of Searching for an internship, I finally obtained one at a non profit organization. I was going crazy trying to find an internship site. None of them seemed to be responding to emails or phone calls due to the pandemic. Places were closed all through out the state.

The company that finally emailed me back was called Unity For Equality. That still didn’t was any stress that I was feeling. It just took one of many away. I had things that I deemed more life altering to think about. These things included not catching this virus and how the hell am I going to pay my bills. Nevertheless, I had an Internship.

Entry 2

So It’s April 8th and I have my first assignment. The supervisor told me to create a postcard mailer. He showed me an example on zoom video conferencing. I basically finished it in 2 days and submitted it to him. He never contacted me back until 2 weeks later.He made me work on more changes on the mailer. The final result is this.

I took a picture of the mailbox in my building with my old iPhone 5. It did the trick.
Here is the logo for the company.

The only thing he mentioned about branding were that the colors of the company were gold, black and white. There was no branding guide. As far as confidentiality, I did not sign anything. He only verbally mentioned to absolutely NOT share any design elements with anyone outside the company. So this is why this Internship blog post won’t be as design friendly.


Entry 3

Here I will violate some rules of my Internship. Technically speaking, I never signed an agreement lol. Here’s the business card that I updated


Obviously everything that I do for the company is remote. Shelter in place doesn’t mean don’t do internship work. A couple of people that I either was very close to or had any ties died during the coronavirus epidemic. It’s really hard to be creative when you are constantly attending zoom funerals. How do creatives cope and sea during these times of stress and feelings of hopelessness.



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