
I have been a nurse for 8 years now and I am in pursuit of my Bachelor’s degree in Nursing. Ultimate goal is to become a Nurse Practitioner and open up a health practice that serves low income and marginalized women. As a psych Nurse I have come to understand the many faces of healthcare, and often we forget to treat the patients holistically. There are many health disparities that make women among the highest at risk for developing disease. I aspire to use my nursing knowledge to empower this population and diminish the disparities that exist that form barriers for optimal health. I enjoyed participating in Professional Nursing practice. Through a variety of professional, historical, theoretical, ethical, and health related issues relevant to contemporary I was able to acquire and use the tools needed for communication, inquiry, analysis, and productive work. I learned about analytical reasoning and critical thinking skills in the incorporation of knowledge synthesized from nursing humanities and the biological and social sciences in contemporary nursing practice. It also increased my understanding tremendously about values, ethics, and diverse perspectives in personal, professional, civic, and cultural/global domains. The knowledge and experiences assimilated from the Professional Nursing Practice (NUR 4130) has increasingly enhanced my everyday nursing skills.