A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio

Lab–2–While, for and other Loops

This is my second work in python and is was really difficult for me to do it,because it was my first time doing a program like that. But aside from that is was really fun. I am learning a lot and i like programming. What the programs did was sum, subtract, multiply and divide on its own.

x = input(‘x’)
y = input (‘y’)
x = int (x)
y = int (y)
while (x != 0 and y != 0):
sum = x + y
print sum
x = int (x)
y = int (y)
difference = x – y
print difference
multiplication = x * y
print multiplication
quotient = x / y
print quotient
remainder = x % y
print remainder
x = input(‘x’)
y = input (‘y’)
x = int (x)
y = int (y)


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