I am Marcos Ortega, I am 19 years old, and I’m attending City Tech in NYC for Hospitality Management. I was originally born in Ecuador, but I moved to NYC 3 years ago to be with my family. Ever since I moved my life gave a 360 degree because I had to adapt to a whole new culture, language, friends, and school.

    Moving to the USA was such a huge change. I started off from sophomore year at Newcomers High School where I went to summer school in order to get a taste of what school would be at the beginning of the school year. English was a barrier for me, but I never let that get in my way to success, so I kept pushing myself everyday in order to master the language faster. Moreover, one of my goals I set at the beginning of the year was to succeed at school, make myself proud and my family.

I finally could reach one of my goals which was to graduate from High School, and I did not just graduate from High School, but I did it with honors. I already knew my next goal was to go to college,and do the best I can in order to be professional.

This is my first semester at City Tech, and I’ve been enjoying it to the maximum. It’s been an amazing opportunity, getting to meet my professors, and making new friends. I can certainly say that all of these 3 years that I’ve living in NYC have taught me how to be stronger, persistent, positive and a risk taker.

I currently work at Chipotle where I’ve learned a lot about hospitality, and dealing with costumers. The experience of working there has been very enriching, and I feel like I’ve grown as individual, which this is going to help me to become more experience for later in the future in my career field.