Author Archives: J A Montgomery

E-portfolio Upload and Reflection on Red Hook Winery Project

Everyone, I hope you are settling into a nice holiday celebration. Housekeeping note: Please remember to post your links to your portfolio so I can review your scanned images. You will not get credit for an assignment unless I have … Continue reading

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Final Exam and Reflection

Everyone, The final exam will begin at 2:00pm in room V812 tomorrow (Monday Dec 23.) You will take the exam on Blackboard, so please have your username and password ready to go. Also, please post a reflection on OpenLab about … Continue reading

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Presentation today

Everyone, We will meet at the Red Hook Winery at 1:00pm sharp for our presentation to the client. See you there. Remember to post your talking points if you have not already. Prof. Montgomery

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Pier 41 Photos

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Pier 41 Red Hook Winery

Everyone, We will meet today at the Red Hook Winery on Pier 41 ,Red Hook. The address for the winery is: Pier 41 325 A 175 – 204 Van Dyke Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 The B61 from downtown Brooklyn bus … Continue reading

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Monday’s Class at Brooklyn Historical Society

Everyone, On Monday we will meet at the Brooklyn Historical Society at 1:00pm on Monday. We will be starting our research into the Red Hook Waterfront as part of our Academic Service Learning Project. At the library Robin and the librarian’s … Continue reading

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BHS Book Case Typical Bay

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Architecture League Student Event

The Architecture League is a great organization in the city presenting a rich program and forum for discussing architecture. Check out this upcoming event for students:

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Sign Up for OpenLab

Please be sure to sign up for OpenLab and to then become a member of this course. For instructions on signing up for OpenLab, please follow this link:

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Welcome to Building Technology

This semester begins with an in class sketch assignment, and finishes with an academic service learning project. It will be a intensive and rich introduction to Building Technology for you. See you on Wednesday. Prof. Montgomery

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