Everything is constantly changing in this world, but many people don’t realize it. Recently, the project of neighborhood analysis lets me pay attention to my neighborhood. During the process of my research, I have different perspective of place, building and history to more understand about my neighborhood.

I am living near Sunset Park area, in Brooklyn almost eight years. Before I did my research, I already know there are many commercial stores near my house. One of the avenues that Chinese people activate, and the Latinos most activate in other one of avenues. But when I walked outside to do my voice memo, I discovered there are more stores and restaurants around my house then before. More people move into my neighborhood. I feel like my neighborhood has become another China Town in New York City. Except the resident houses, stores and restaurants, there are also clinics, churches, playgrounds and transportations. It is convenient for people’s life by living here. I discovered after the new entrance of train opened, some people changed their circulation in their life too. However, I feel the environment of my neighborhood is getting worse.

I also found out some historical that I didn’t know before. I researched the historical picture of some buildings online, and then tried to walk to the site to compare the past and today. Some of them didn’t have a lot change between 20’s and 21’s. Some of them changed by material, or the new building is next to them. I also saw there are many churches concentrate on 4th avenue, kind like a place of concentration of different religions.

The neighborhood changed could affect the way that people live. Like I didn’t consider Sunset Park is my neighborhood because I didn’t go over there a lot. I might go there few years ago, but just rarely. And more stores and restaurants make more people main activate between 62 street and 50 street.