My neighborhood analysis project was a very good experience. I’ve obtained some insightful knowledge of my neighborhoods’ history.  At first , I wasn’t sure what to expect but moving forward my interest grew in learning more  about the history of Mott Haven.  In doing this research project I’ve learned that my area was originally called Port Morris.  This name was derived from  its location, a port area for boats traveling via the Willis Ave Bridge that is actually a Swing Bridge widely used back in the early twentieth century to connect The Bronx and Manhattten . I like the fact that when I walk pass the  Clock Tower building in my neighborhood  that back in the day there were a bunch of grand and string pianos being built inside it. As well as, being able to know why certain bright yellow brick buildings  in my neighborhood stand out from the others because yellow bricks were a high commodity for building back in the early century.  I think it’s pretty cool having this information .

I believe that a neighborhoods history is a very important facet that’s a part of a much larger whole.  The past can always be used as an important blueprint for the future.Having completed my analysis research project results in me being more observation, objective, and inquisitive.  As I sat across the street from the Clock Tower Building and observed my surroundings with the  Third Ave Bridge to the right of me, cars on the Bruckner heading to cross the Bridge, the smell of good food coming from the Clock Bar lounge,  and seeing the people coming and going. I smiled at the thought of me always being so busy with my daily routines, that it hit me I was in the moment right there, being still,connecting with my neighborhood, and I was enjoying it.

I share about my research knowledge when it comes up for example, I was conveying to my 9 year old grandson Carlyle recently about a monument we walked by in my neighborhood,a statue that I’d never given much thought about before.  This is the impact of what my research project has done for me.  It has allowed me more knowledge from a clear,analytical and observant perspective coming from another place and time.  The silent voices coming from the things that were here before me.  The rich history of my neighborhood.