The event I chose to attend was the virtual “Graphic Design Masterclass” by the Academy of Digital Industries held on Google Meet, which I found on Eventbrite. The presentation was by Chris Allen and after the presentation, a brief Q&A was held where LinkedIn profile links were shared in the chat.

This 1-hour graphic design masterclass introduces the effective use of typography in design. Along with an understanding of its origins, technologies, and wider cultural impact – you’ll learn practical methods and tips of how to use it effectively. Brought to life with some live learning demos, as well as inspirational examples of design from around the world.
Eventbrite event info

Chris primarily spoke about the effectiveness of typography and how design is all around us and used in everything. Something that stood out to me that he spoke about was road signs and how the type is spaced out and designed a certain way to still be eligible while driving/moving.

Chris also introduced to us KernType a letter spacing creative app/game where you can visually practice your kerning or in other words letter spacing.
In the screenshot provided above you can see in the bottom center my score is 100/100 meaning I aligned/kerned the letter spacing between the randomly generated type perfectly as it should be.
I found this networking event extremely useful and helpful for me as a designer because typography is very important and Chris is right, type is quite literally found everywhere with an infinite choice and infinite possibilities, why not make it so that its eligible and readable no matter the circumstances.
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