Lab 1

Temperature Sensor Simulator

This lab is first lab for the Spring 2014 CET 3640 Class.
For this lab I was asked to create a program that generates random numbers which represent the temperature of a selected season. the Ranges of the seasons and selections are as follows;
[1] Winter 20 - 40
[2] Spring 40 - 70
[3] Summer 70- 90
[4] Fall 40 - 60

The program needs to display 
1. the first temperature
2. the last temperature
3. Lowest tempertue
4. highest temperature
5. total sum of all temperature
6. Average for the season
this program must be done with the JAVA programming language.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Temperature {

	public static void main(String[] args){
		int season; //For the Selected Menu Item
		double random=0, first=0, greatest = 0, lowest=0,last=0,sum=0, min=0, max=0; //all local variables
		Scanner input = new Scanner(; //Use to receive commands from the keyboard
		int resp;
		double[] values= new double[100]; //Array to store all 100 values

		do{ //displays the menu then loops it back as long as 5 is not input
			sum = 0;//resets the sum back to zero
			System.out.println("Temperature Sensor Simulator");
			System.out.println("Which Season would you like to simulate");
			System.out.println("\t[1] Winter\n\t[2] Spring \n\t[3] Summer \n\t[4] Fall \n\t[5] Exit");
			season = input.nextInt();
				switch(season){ 	//this is sets the boundaries
				case 1:			//for winter
					System.out.println("You have selected: Winter");
					min = 20;
					max = 40;
				case 2: 		//for Spring
					System.out.println("You have selected: Spring");
					min = 40;
					max = 70;
				case 3:			//for summer
					System.out.println("You have selected: Summer");
					min = 70;
					max = 90;
				case 4:			//for Fall
					System.out.println("You have selected: Fall");
					min = 40;
					max = 60;
				for(int i=0; i<100; i++){ //loops the program 100 times getting random numbers in the range of the season
					random = rand(min, max); //gets random values by calling the rand() funtion
						first= greatest = lowest =random;
						greatest = random;
					sum += random;
				System.out.printf("\tFirst Value= %5.2f\n\tLast Value= %5.2f\n",first,last);
				System.out.printf("\tHighest Value= %5.2f\n\tLowest= %5.2f\n",greatest,lowest);
				System.out.printf("\tSum Value= %f\n\tAverage= %5.2f \n",sum,(sum/100));
				System.out.println("Would you like a display of all 100 the values? [1]Yes [2]no");
				resp = input.nextInt();
					for(int i=0; i<25; i++){
						System.out.printf("%d. %5.2f\t%d. %5.2f\t%d. %5.2f\t%d. %5.2f \n",(i+1),values[i],(i+26),values[i+25],(i+51),values[i+50],(i+76),values[i+75]);

			}}while(season != 5);
		System.out.println("Now terminating....");
	static double rand(double low, double high){ //takes in the range of the season spits out random value withing the limits inclusive
		double val;
		double max;
		max = high+1;
		val = max*Math.random();
			val = high*Math.random();
		return val;
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main menu


summer Selectionall values and program loops backloop and end


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