Maria Mannan, a senior fashion student at New York City College of Technology, City University of New York.   Growing up in a South Asian culture, she was fascinated by Art &Fashion. As a Bangladeshi- American, becoming a Doctor, Engineer or Lawyer is the right career path in the eyes of every brown parent. However, she instead pursued a degree in Business & Technology of Fashion. She is innovative and a progressive thinker.While working in the fashion retail world, Maria is persistent with fashion and trends. She found a sense of her true self and a clear path of where she wants to go in life. She followed her dream and identifies herself as a brown girl who dares to dream big and break the typical standard of success in her community.


Best characteristics that describe Maria, determination, and attention to detail. Maria is open-minded to expand her knowledge of exploring new ways of doing things. She entails gracefulness which allows her to work in harmony with colleagues. With a strong passion for photography and trying new cuisines, this allows her to be creative and produce quality content on social media. Maria’s goal is to continue to grow her knowledge in fashion industries and starting her own brand in the future.


Fine Eye for Detail

Strong work ethic

Problem-solving and decision-making

Communicate effectively inside and outside the organization.


  • Gain Management Experience in Higher Degree
  • Attain a Leadership Role
  • Increase Earning
  • Strengthen Professional Relationships
  • Start a Business

Maria’s Logo depicts the representation of Freedom and being authentically herself. The two M’s are both black that stands for her signature name and also designed by Maria herself. The female figure standing between symbolizes her experience, failures and the bold choices that she made, yet still remaining to stay above it all. The story that lies behind this figure, that people too must wilt, fall, root, and rise. She chose to go with black for her logo due to its effect on the eye which gives it a simple yet chic visual appeal. The black color of the logo exemplifies the elegance and sophistication that Maria stands for.

Mission Statement

Coming from a third world country, Maria acknowledges that although her family struggled a lot here it’s nothing compared to the class division and the extreme poverty a family faces in Bangladesh. Being given this opportunity to come here to America, she believes it can’t all be for nothing. Her mission; uplifting people in their passions/ dreams. Due to societal pressures, everyone is constantly battling with insecurities, mental health issues. Her direction is observing and curiosity about the world, society, and culture. Maria is learning every day to embrace her struggles and overcome fears to make it in fashion. She wants to set an example for other Bangladeshi women to pursue their passions and not give up on them. Genuinely uplifting people not because there’s some sort of gain out of it. Her professional mission is to specialize in skills and knowledge toward professional development. Break the idea of “being a Doctor, Engineer or Lawyer is the only ultimate success in life”