
My own philosophy  of nursing is caring for each patient as if they would be my  own family. This philosophy helps me to deliver the best possible care that and leave patients with a sense of hope and better outcome. My ethical values make me responsible to deliver care with dignity, confidentiality, advocacy for a patient.  I believe that nursing extends beyond of set of hands on skills that help patient to recover. Nursing is a passion, caring, respect and love for others.  The word “nursing” is a derivative of “nourishing”, therefore fully connected with caring. The theory of caring by Jean Watson  acknowledged  that  caring is more “healthogenic” than curing, and that practice of caring is central to nursing.  I believe that patient recovery has a closed relation with a level of caring that a nurse presents.

Nurse carries a cultural sensitivity, compassion, critical thinking and leadership qualities. Nevertheless nurse acts like a changing agent and always ready to adapt. Nurse is an educator and a mentor for patients and fellow nurses.

I am very proud to be a nurse, I am also proud that I am continuing my education in order to provide a better care to my patients.

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