Written Assignment


NUR 3130 Midterm: Article 22

Melissa Johnson

NUR 3130

New York City College of Technology

















1.Ā What is the theoretical or conceptual model used in the study?Ā  Why is it necessary to have a theoretical or conceptual model in a research study?


In Article 22, the Effect of a Medical -Surgical Practice and Certification Review Course on Clinical Practice, a model was utilized. It does not have a schematic model conceptual map. However, it does uses nursing certification which is the basis for this study and it incorporates tables in its journal article, one being of the questionnaire that was used in the research study.

It is important to have a theoretical or conceptual model in a research study. They present an understanding of the phenomenon in question and indicate the assumptions and perspectives of the researcher (Polit, D., & Beck, C. T., 2013). A theoretical or conceptual model can help a study to create hypotheses. Moreover, models can bring more clarity to a research study and make it more understandable to the reader.




2.Is the study quantitative, qualitative or mixed method?Ā  What is the difference between each of them?


The study lies on the more qualitative side. The study functioned by surveying nurses and gathering their opinions to find a consensus on whether or not participation in a medical-surgical certification and practice review has a positive impact on their clinical nursing practice (Peteva, 2011).

There are notable differences between quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods for research studies. Quantitative research entails a more systematic manner of collecting information. Quantitative uses more objective ways of putting together evidence for research (Polit, D., & Beck, C. T., 2013). Usually the quantitative research utilizes numerical information that is gathered by formal measurement and that is formally assessed (Polit, D., & Beck, C. T., 2013). The qualitative approach to research uses more subjective information in comparison to quantitative approach. Qualitative research has a strong focus on the human experience and is largely dependent on the narratives of its participants. Qualitative researchers believe ā€œ… in the real-life experiences of people with first-hand knowledge of a phenomenonā€ (Polit, D., & Beck, C. T., 2013). A mixed method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. For instance, a mixed method may have numerical data and narrative of participants.



3.Is there a literature review in the study? What is the purpose of a literature review?


There is a literature review in the study. The study mentions previous evidence on nursing certification on having a very positive impact such as from Cary in 2001 and Prowant et al in 2007. In the literature review key terms such as self-confidence and self-efficacy are noted.

The purpose of a literature review is to include research evidence that to summarize what is known and what it is not known. Literature reviews can aid in forming research questions, suggest relevant methods, and identify a conceptual framework (Polit, D., & Beck, C. T., 2013). Literature reviews assist researchers in their perception of their collected information. Furthermore, literature reviews help to provide readers with current information on a subject and displays the importance of the research study (Polit, D., & Beck, C. T., 2013).


4.What is the problem statement in the study?Ā  Why is a problem statement necessary in a research study?


The problem statement in the study is not easily identified. However, it does indicate the importance of having self-confidence in oneā€™s clinical nursing practice and how obtaining nursing certification can greatly help one in that aspect. Improving self-confidence and overall performance in nursing was the objective of the study.

A problem statement is necessary in a research study. It provides structure, which is essential in every study. Furthermore, problem statements help studies to be more organized and allows the reader to easily identify issues at hand in the study. Problem statements express what is of concern or problematic and what influences the research (Polit, D., & Beck, C. T., 2013). Having a well-constructed problem statement in a study, builds a stronger research study and one that is more likely to be convincing to the reader.




5.What was done to protect the participants in the study from harm?Ā  Why is it important to protect the participants in a research study from harm?

The participants in the study were adequately protected from harm in the study conducted by Sayre, Wyant, and Karvonen. The study recognized the privacy of its participants and did not include the names of its participants and obtained informed consent from those that participated in the study (Peteva, 2011). Also, the questions asked of the participating nurses in the survey were not too invasive and impinging on the nurseā€™s privacy or personal feelings. Researchers have the duty to prevent or reduce harm in studies with humans (Polit, D., & Beck, C. T., 2013). It is crucial that participants in a research study be protected from harm for the research study to be ethical and to uphold the rights of participants.





Peteva, R. (2011).Ā A cross section of nursing researchĀ (5th ed.). Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Pub.


Polit, D., & Beck, C.T. (2013). Essentials of nursing research (8th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins