Nursing Philosophy

Michelle Jacobs


My nursing philosophy

I believe in caring for people with respect, compassion and the allurement of a smile. I believe in upholding a high professional standard by always striving to help others. I am committed to my patients care. I am accountable to uphold professional standards by devoting myself to learning more about my practice and in turn become the caregiver I was destined to be. I will be my patient’s advocate, especially those who cannot speak for themselves. I am devoted to my patients care without apprehension no matter the race, color, gender, religion, culture or socioeconomic status.   I am honored to be entrusted with the lives of others, I will make it my utmost duty to satisfy the physical, psychological and emotion needs of my patients’.

I will be mindful of their ethical needs and to affirm their confidentiality and maintain safety. My integrity, character and practice guide my passion.