Author Archives: Robinson Arias

Definition: Live Loads

“Live Loads are variables, unpredictable and mobile such as people, furniture, snow, rain and ice. Live loads can vary at any given moment. Live Loads are expressed in Pounds per square feet.”   Definition from the Book: Structure for Architects, … Continue reading

Posted in homework 4 | 1 Comment

Foggy Points: Confuse on the HW

As I start looking over my homework, things look really confusing. In class things that was being taught seems clear. However, as i tried to do it by myself. i start at the page really confuse. Not strong in word … Continue reading

Posted in Foggy points week 1 | 3 Comments

Assignment #1: Experiences with Math

My Experiences with math have been different every time I have taken them in high school and I was not as good as I thought I was.  Math is not one of my strongest subjects. Moreover, it takes me more … Continue reading

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