Foggy points – weeks 3 and 4

We covered a range of materials in these beginning weeks of the class – load paths, end reactions, moments, free body diagrams, shear. As we face the first test, what aspects are unclear? Comment on this post and also respond to other comments. Explaining a concept to other person is a good way of further understanding it.

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6 Responses to Foggy points – weeks 3 and 4

  1. Cindy Alonzo says:

    I think that the lessons of week 3 and 4 where better than the first week examples because we practiced the overall concepts by doing related problems. And I think we had more practice with the end reactions examples, and load paths I think it was a concept that we did quickly because I am still having so confusions. I feel that I got more confused with load paths in the last class lesson. I feel that I am not going to do good on the load path examples.

  2. I can understand your hesitancy on load paths. I haven’t thought of a clear way of showing the paths. This is especially true of examples we did on the board. I’ll be in scholl tomorrow Tuesday between 12 noon and 2 pm if you or anyone else wants to go over these problems. I can be available at other times on Tuesday. See me an e-mail.

  3. Camile Brown says:

    I am also in the same boat as Cindy, That first week was very shady for me, and also our last lesson dealing with the graphs/ tables as to how to go about them. I know we went over it a bit in class but am still not a hundred percent sure.I would have love to come in today but i am just seeing this post.

  4. I thought i was the only one going thru this. We are all in the same boat, i am like in lala land when i open my notes to study. i got really frustrated. I am going to try my best. and now i know im not the only one going thru the same thing. With positive energy i and all of us will enter that class and try our best.

  5. Cynthia says:

    I honestly felt confident with what I learned week 1 and 2 but after the review last week I felt lost. I think it could have been that it was to much information in one day for my brain. After last weeks class I got confused on everything. I just hope to do good on the test. I understood the homeworks but for some reason going over everything last week got me confused because it seemed like if I was learning everything from day one in many different ways. I feel like if we learn something one week we should continue using the same method at all times not having varies ways of solving the problem because it could get confusing.
    I feel like the lectures so far have been good a side from last week since I left the class being lost about everything and my level of confidence droped after the review.

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