Foggy Points: Confuse on the HW

As I start looking over my homework, things look really confusing. In class things that was being taught seems clear. However, as i tried to do it by myself. i start at the page really confuse. Not strong in word problems, I am confuse of where to start. I’m going to read the book, and see if i can figure the Homework out.

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3 Responses to Foggy Points: Confuse on the HW

  1. Cynthia says:

    Robison I agree with you at first when I started reading the word problems they seemed a little confusing. What I did was I read each problem carefully and try to think it through, I also did some drawings to get a visual of the problem. Sometimes drawing the problem out helps you understand the problem. You could also try to refer back to the building construction illustrated book by ching

  2. Cindy Alonzo says:

    I agree with you Robinson I thought I knew what to do when I left the class because the concept seemed clear but as I got home to try to do the homework I was also confused I don’t know how to start it makes me feel like if I don’t know anything. Well I can’t read the book because my book is still being shipped. I feel that I can do the problems that are similar to the ones we did in class because they are very similar but the other word problem I am lost.

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