Assignment #1: Experiences with Math

My Experiences with math have been different every time I have taken them in high school and I was not as good as I thought I was.  Math is not one of my strongest subjects. Moreover, it takes me more time to understand it, however, it depends on the professor that I have.One of my favorite math teachers that I have meet in City tech made math more fun then I thought it was. She helped me to grasp the concept, sometimes giving you one on one attention allowing you to grasp it. I was able to understand and pass her class. And I was one of her top student. She even invited me to her next level of math.  I learn math  by going over it more and more, just to get the idea of how it can be solved. For me math takes practice, like I said before it takes me a while to grasp what I am being taught and its not one of my strongest subjects.

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